Intro Offer
1 Month Unlimited.
New Students Only
Monthly Autopay
Contracts start on the 15th of month, 3 month minimum commitment, then keeps automatically renewing, 1 child included if 13 to 17 years old after paying intro.
Monthly rate no autopay, no commitment
*If you are a senior (62+), military, first responder, teachers, etc. please ask us about a discount off these prices listed above.
5 Class Pass Autopay
3 month minimum commitment, then keeps automatically renewing
Cancellation required in writing 15 days prior to next autopay charge.
Contracts may be terminated with written notification via email to 15 days or more before the next billing cycle. If notice given in less than 15 days, then cancellation will not take place until the following month. Terminated contracts will default to new pricing.
All class packages are non-refundable and non-transferable. We do not offer refunds, transfers, extensions or credits on packages. All sales are final.