Karma Yoga is a discipline of action. What makes a Karma Yogi is the experience of union, as part of the Spiritual path to self-realization. I suppose, even before my birth, I’ve been devoted to a life of Karma Yoga, but it was a near death experience that empowered me during my life-long realization.
If someone you love whose body, mind or heart is broken, pack them a pair of shorts, water bottle and towel. Tell them you’re taking them to brunch, with one quick stop to my classes on Friday mornings. They may despise you at first but will thank you later for challenging their mind, body and soul. A practice of precision and intensity for 30 consecutive days gives one a new mind. In 60 days, it provides a new body. And in 90 days, a new life.
I will be waiting here for you, devoted and ready to serve my Karma Yoga as we both strive toward self-realization in mind, body and spirit.